International Branch - First Utah Bank

Business Credit Card

Merchant Services

Hub Access


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Spring blossoms at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center

Globe at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center

One of the many beautiful structures at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center

One of the many beautiful structures at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center

We Love West Valley City!

First Utah Bank’s International branch is located in West Valley City at the intersection of Redwood Road and West Rosa Parks Drive.

In 2003, the nearby Utah Cultural Celebration Center was created as a place where people from all walks of life can come together to share ideas–while inspiring, nurturing and learning from each other. It’s also a place to enjoy arts and cultural experiences, concerts and performing arts.

Economic development continues to be a priority for West Valley City’s leaders. The area is home to business parks such as the Lake Park Corporate Center, West Ridge Commerce Park, Metro Business Park, and Decker Lake Business District. Companies of all sizes dot the map with their corporate headquarters, regional offices, and world-wide distribution centers.

First Utah Bank is excited to have a branch in the heart of West Valley City.